
How To Clean White Patches On Bathroom Tiles

How To Clean White Patches On Bathroom Tiles

Hard water causes build-up on the faucets, showers, sinks and over time leaves ugly stains on the bathroom tiles. The brown stains on bathroom tiles not only steal away the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom but are also difficult to remove. The reason is bathrooms hold a lot of standing water on a daily basis. No matter how expensive cleaning products you use, removing these stains is next to impossible. If you too are facing a similar situation, the blog is for you. Read on to find out some easy ways to get rid of hard water stains from your bathroom tiles.

how to remove stains from bathroom tiles

Why Does Hard Water Leave Stains?

A high concentration of calcium and magnesium makes water hard. When the water in your bathroom or any other area evaporates, it leaves a very thin coating on the bathroom tiles. This ultra-thin coating, which comprises calcium and magnesium is initially invisible on the surface of your bathroom. When you don't clean the deposits on a regular basis, every time you shower, the dirt particles mix with fresh mineral crystals. Eventually, you end up with a layer of hard water deposits and dirt, leaving brown stains all over the bathroom.

Problems Caused due to Hard Water

It can block your water wipes, it can lower the efficiency of bathroom appliances and even can make your soaps, shampoos and detergent work less effectively. And you will require more water to cleanse that sticky watery feel from all over your bathroom. So, before going ahead with what should be done to clean the hard water bathroom stains, we should all be aware of the possible stains and the threats caused by hard water in the bathroom.

Clogged shower

  • Clogged showers: You may notice that usually, after a point of time, your shower stops releasing the amount of water it used to before. You may decide to call the plumber to fix it. But wait, this is actually because of the calcium and magnesium sedimentation in the shower nozzles. Hence, you receive lesser sprinkles. And that is also evident with tiny, white stains lied all over the showerhead.
  • Clogged drains: Did you notice that your washbasin drain is not functioning properly? The reason behind this is hard water. The excessive mineral content in hard water leaves its residues behind resulting in clogged drains and pipes. You will also notice tiny, dried water spots on your washbasin.
  • White Spots: There is a famous quote, "morning shows the day". But imagine starting your morning in a dirty bathroom, with hard water odour and tiny calcium spots all over your shower curtains, mirrors, tiles, taps and where not. Surely, such a scenario is not expected, that too on a daily basis. So, what should be done in order to curb these problems?

How to Get Rid of Hard Water Stains?

Stubborn stains are always a pain, that too if you find them in your bathroom, you will surely not love it and they are a big challenge to clean. But not anymore, this blog will give the magic potion to clean those hard water stains. Here are 3 easy ways to get rid of hard water stains from your bathroom, listed below:

White Spots on bathroom fixtures

Use a Bathroom Water Softener

Using a softener ensures that hard water doesn't cause any more damage. The Bathroom water softener is easily attached to the source of water supply so that you get soft water for all your work. Household water softeners use an ion exchange process to replace excess calcium and magnesium with the ions of sodium or potassium to provide you soft water for different uses. Depending on your need you can go for a whole-house water softener, which is installed before the overhead storage tank, or a point-of-use water softener. The water that you use in the bathroom will be free of hardness, thereby reducing stains from the tiles.

Also Read: The Hidden Advantages of Using a Water Softener

Use Vinegar

Vinegar is one of the most useful kitchen ingredients you can use to remove hard water stains from bathroom tiles. The all-purpose cleaner is mildly acidic in nature and perfect for removing stains from your bathroom. White vinegar also prevents the growth of germs, mold, and mildew in the bathroom. Make a solution of an equal amount of vinegar and water. Store the solution in a spray bottle and sprinkle the solution on the bathroom tiles. Allow the solution to stay on the tiles for some time before scrubbing off the solution using a brush or sponge. If the stains are too stubborn, add some baking soda to the solution.


Salt is another useful kitchen ingredient to clean bathroom tiles. Salt helps in cutting down the most stubborn hard water stains on your bathroom tiles. A great disinfectant, salt also kills the germs present in your bathroom. When using salt to remove the stains, make sure the bathroom floor is wet. Sprinkle salt on the bathroom floor and leave it for half an hour or more. Scrub off the salt using a brush or sponge. The longer the salt stays on the bathroom tiles, the more effective it is in removing the stains.

Last Few Words

Getting rid of hard water stains from your bathroom tiles is a tough job. Taking the necessary precautions beforehand, help you deal with the problem with ease. A water softener increases the durability of the appliances and also reduces the chances of staining your bathroom tiles. Before installing a water softener, you can get the water quality tested in your home. To book a free home visit, click here.

How To Clean White Patches On Bathroom Tiles


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